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JULY'98 1)Membership drive for the period from July 1999   till December 1999.
2)Welcoming Party for the Freshers and new members.
3)Student's Interaction.
AUGUST'98 1)Crossword Contest.
2)Guest Lecture.
SEPTEMBER'98 1)Quiz Contest.
2)Field Trip to Pune (Telco, Philips, GMRT).
OCTOBER'98 1)Article Writing Contest.
2)Lecture on 'Careers in IT'.
NOVEMBER'98 1)Paper cum Seminar Contest.
2)Video Lecture.
DECEMBER'98 1)Project for ELECRAMA.
2)Student Professional Awareness Conference.
(S-PAC) on career related topics.
JANUARY'99 1)Software Programming Contest.
2)Lecture on 'IRIDIUM' satphones.

1)Hardware Project Contest.
2)Workshop on Java, Javascripts.
MARCH'99 1)Annual Symposium.                                                            2)Web page Designing Contest.
3)Elections of new council
This Month


of office of the new Managing Council for the next academic year.
3)Closing Session for the year 1998 - 1999.
MAY'99 1)Workshop on PSPICE
2)Field Trip to Bangalore <date tentative>
JUNE'99 1)Lecture on 'Technology Management'


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