5400 Bayfront Plaza
Santa Clara, CA 95052
The judging was intense as
there are many superb Student Branch Web Sites, but the results of the 1999 SAC
Student Branch Web Site Contest are finally complete! The award-winning sites are below. Each winning Student Branch will receive an award prize, a
certificate, and a URL to a GIF image that they can proudly display on their
web site.
Platinum - $270,
certificate, and a Platinum GIF
University of North Florida |
http://www.unf.edu/cocse/ee/ieee/ |
Rowan University |
http://www.rowan.edu/ieee |
University of Toronto |
http://www.ecf.toronto.edu/~ieee |
Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology |
https://members.tripod.com/ieeevesit |
Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterre |
http://www.mty.itesm.mx/dae/de/grupos/ieee |
Silver - $200, certificate,
and a Silver GIF
Eindhoven University |
http://www.ele.tue.nl/ieeesb/ |
University of British Columbia |
http://www.ece.ubc.ca/~ieee/ |
Delhi College of Engineering |
http://ieee.cjb.net |
Universidad Catlica del Per |
http://www.alek.pucp.edu.pe/~rieee/ |
University of Maryland |
http://ieee.eng.umd.edu |
University of South Carolina |
http://web.engr.sc.edu/ieee/ |
Texas Tech University |
http://www.ee.ttu.edu/tech/index.html |
Tufts University |
http://www.eecs.tufts.edu/~ieee |
Bochum University |
http://www.ieee.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/ |
University of Missouri-Columbia |
http://students.missouri.edu/~ieee |
Bronze - $150, certificate,
and a Bronze GIF
San Jose State University |
http://ieee.engr.sjsu.edu/ |
Christian Brothers University |
http://www.cbu.edu/~cbuieee/ |
Insituto Tecnolgico de Zacatepec, Mexico |
http://www.iie.org.mx/uci/ieeeretz |
Arizona State University |
http://www.eas.asu.edu/~ieee/ |
Portland State University |
http://www.ee.pdx.edu/~ieee |
Karlsruhe University |
http://www-itiv.etec.uni-karlsruhe.de/IEEE/ |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
http://web.mit.edu/ieee/www |
University of Oklahoma |
http://www.ou.edu/ieee |
Carleton University |
http://www.doe.carleton.ca/~ieee/ |
Northeastern University |
http://www.ece.neu.edu/ieee |
Lehigh University |
http://www.lehigh.edu/~inieee |
I would like to thank Robert
Scolli, Gerard Dunphy, Charles Rubenstein, and David Pierce for their
assistance in judging the contest.
Again, congratulations to their
David C. Lee, Ph.D.
SAC Vice-Chair