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All graphics from IEEE site copyright of IEEE

The present new site was done by Sumit Gwalani.
Javascripts, theme, search facility, overall structure, HTML encoding, scanning  and form handlers were done. His hobbies include sports, computers, driving and television.


Saumitra Mohan Das was the chief architect (Theme, search facility, overall structure, HTML encoding, scanning  and form handlers were done) of the old site from which most of the data for this site was taken . He loves computers, reading, music, and works out in his spare time. He is a future R&D engineer with Tata Electric. Visit his site here.


The shockwave flash interface was done by Yash Bajpai[ Senior Web Page Administration Council member] & Alok Agarwal. Yash and Alok are both wizards in Flash. Yash is a future hardware engineer with Wipro while Alok dabbles in teaching Flash in his spare time. Visit Alok's site here.Visit Yash's site here.

Alok Yash

Made with input from original page by  Vipul Lalka,Praful Lalchandani and Hari Krishnan.

This page is maintained by Yash Bajpai [ Senior Web Page Administration Council member], Saumitra Das [Chairperson Editorial Board], Sumit Gwalani [ Junior Web Page Administration Council member]

We would also like to thank....
  • Chetan Bagga for helping with the flash
  •  Rajaraman P[Treasurer] &  Neelesh Khadse for designing some of the gifs.
  • Govind for help with scanning...
  • Amit Bhargav & Vikram Shah for compiling membership lists..
  • Milind for providing details of rover project

This web was made on a intelieee.jpg (2271 bytes)  PII / 64MB SDRAM/6.4GB HDD/TV PCI 64BIT 4MB VRAM SVGA/14" Viewsonic/24X AWE64/UMAX Scanner/HP DJ670C/Iomega Zip machine....

Software : Microsoft Frontpage 2000, Macromedia Dreamweaver 2,Homesite, Photoshop 5, GIF Animator 3, Font FX 2, Flash 4, Cosmo Worlds, Hotdog 5, Photodeluxe 1, KPT Kai tools,etc... 

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