Primary Purposes
of the Branch as a Student Organization
1. Scientific and
educational, directed to promote awareness about cutting edge technology
in the fields of electronics, communication, computers, and related
fields in engineering
2. To associate with
a worldwide organization, participate in its activities, and assist the
IEEE in its goal of scientific and educational advancement and global
3. To provide the student members with opportunities to develop skills
in leadership, in working as a group, and in effective communication.
4. To foster members with opportunities to interact with engineers who
have industry experience in the field, and to promote career
5. To identify specific areas of research and interest.
Specific Goals of the Branch for the coming year
1. To promote industrial awareness, by means of Industrial Visits.
2. To develop members’ skills in technical writing, presentation and
research, by means of Technical Paper-Writing and Presentation Contests.
3. To involve student
members in Design Contests and Projects to further their skills in
practical electronics and computer system designs.
4. To introduce members to industrially experienced professionals by way
of Symposia, technical talks, and technical film shows.
5. To promote career opportunities for budding engineers through S-PACs
and SPAVes.
6. To promote other chapters of the IEEE, so that members with
similar fields of interest can interact, and learn skills.
7. To promote IEEE membership and to assist the IEEE Bombay Section in
starting new IEEE Student Branches. To network with other IEEE Student
Branches and work towards conducting joint events for student members
along with the IEEE Bombay Section.
Problems that are anticipated, which are to be overcome to
successfully run the Branch
1. Corporate Sponsorships: We plan to conduct major activities such as
S-PACs, S-PAVes, Annual Symposia, printing of the monthly newsletter,
and other intercollegiate events. We anticipate that lots of funds would
be required for these, without which the activities would be hard to
conduct. Therefore we will need to secure corporate sponsorship.