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Origin and History of IEEE.

IEEE was formed in January 1, 1963 as a result of a merger between the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) and institute of Radio Engineers (IRE).

The merger was achieved with some caution as both sides were apprehensive about their new intended role. A joint Constitute and bylaws were approved and Dr. Ernst Weber was elected First President of IEEE. The word American was left out of organisation’s to reflect the intended international interest.

Now they grope timidly, in a strange domicile fashion and expand its activities beyond those that are purely technical expanding its scope, so as to make for a truly professional society that is more responsive to the public interest.

IEEE CENTER and its role in IT.

The IEEE Center for the History of Electrical Engineering is a research center whose mission is to use historical analysis to gain understanding of the place of electrical technologies in the development of the modern world and to disseminate that knowledge as widely as possible. Program produces popular and scholarly books and articles, and helps to train professional historians through teaching, fellowships, internships. A public outreach program spreads awareness of the history of electrical technology through a newsletter, exhibits, conferences, lectures, a program designating historical sites, and many other ways. The Center holds the archives of the IEEE and its predecessor societies (the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers), maintains a collection of historical photographs and images on all aspects of electrical technology, collects oral and video history interviews with leading engineers and managers, provides a reference service, serves as an information clearinghouse, advises on the preservation of historic records, prepares catalogues to research materials available world-wide, and conducts research to determine what kinds of records and artefacts to save.

By allowing us to know the past, history helps us to understand the present and improve the future. The Center uses history to enrich our children's technical education and encourage careers in engineering; educate the general public as to what engineers do and how their work affects daily life; provide historical lessons from which public officials can draw in making decisions about technology; broaden the education of engineers by illuminating the business, economic, and in social dimensions of their work; and celebrate the monumental technological achievements of the past century.

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