- Objectives :
- Introductory software engineering course that will present the
software development lifecycle and methodology for dealing with each phase.
- Introduce the latest trends in large scale S/W development.
- Apply S/W principles to a large-scale design project.
- Ethics: Whistle blowing, human safety, embedded risk, software
reliability, professional code of ethics.
- Fundamental problem solving concepts, top down design,
procedural abstraction, control structures, data types.
- Software development process: Software life cycle models,
specification design tools, software design objectives, documentation, configuration
management, S/W reliability, safety, risk assessment and maintenance.
- Software estimation techniques, loc and FP estimation.
Empirical models like COCOMO. Project tracking and scheduling. Reverse engineering.
- Software requirements and specifications: Informal/formal
specifications, pre/post conditions, algebraic specifications and requirement analysis
- Software design and implementation: Functional/process
oriented design, bottom up design, other design techniques (OOD,JSD), implementation
strategies (top-down, bottom-up, team) and issues, reuse, performance improvement,
debugging and antibugging.
- Verification, validation, testing and maintenance:
Verification and validation techniques (pre/post-conditions, invariant, proof of
correctness), code and design reading, structured walk through, testing (test plan,
white/black box testing, unit and integration testing, regression testing, test case
design and acceptance testing) and maintenance activities.
- Code sharing, software components, rapid prototyping,
specialization, construction, class extensions, intelligent software agents.
- Introduction to CASE tools.
- Social, legal and ethical implications of computing.
Text and reference books
- An Introduction To Object Oriented Programming: Timothy Budd
Addison Wesley.
- Object Oriented Programming Using C++: Ira Phol, Benjamin
- Object Oriented Design And Analysis: Grady Booch, Benjamin
- Software Engineering: McGraw Hill.
- Software Engineering: Addison Wesley.
- Introduction: Networks, architecture, applications, ISO model.
- Physical layer: Review of data communication, transmission and
multiplexing, transmission media, error detection, recovery, interfacing, ISDN.
- Topology: Introduction to topological problems, graph theory,
network flow, traffic analysis, queuing theory and analysis of M/M/I systems.
- Local area networks: Bus/ring/tree topology, medium access
protocol, and performance.
- Data link layer: Line configurations, flow control, error
control, bit oriented link control, simplex and sliding window protocols, protocol
performance evaluation.
- Network layer: Communication networking techniques, circuit
switching, message switching, packet switching, broadcast networks. Packet switching:
virtual circuits and datagrams, routing, traffic control, congestion control, and error
- Inter networking: bridge/router/gateway, connection oriented
and connection-less inter networking.
- Services and protocols for transport layer, session layer and
presentation layer. Data encryption and data compression.
- Application layer protocols: Architecture and access
Text books
- Data And Computer Communication: Stallings, Macmillan.
- Computer Networks: Tannenbaum, Prentice Hall.
- Data Networks: Bertsekas & Gallager, Prentice Hall.
- Computer Communication And Networks: John Freer, Affiliated
East West.
- Local Area Network: G.G. Keiser, McGraw Hill.
- Design and Analysis Of Computer Communication Network: Vijay
Ahuja, McGraw Hill.
- Introduction to parallel processing: Trends towards parallel
processing, parallelism in uniprocessor systems, parallel computer structure,
architectural classification schemes.
- Memory and input output systems, memory structure hierarchy,
addressing scheme for main memory, virtual memory systems, memory allocation and
management strategies, virtual memory of X86 processors, cache memories, management and
design criteria. I/O sub systems, interrupt mechanisms, I/O processors and I/O channels.
- Pipelined and vector processors: overlapped parallelism,
instruction and arithmetic pipelines, vector processing, scientific attached processor.
- SIMD computers: SIMD perspectives, array and associative
processors, study of an array processor.
- Multi processor architecture: loosely and tightly coupled
multi processors inter connection networks, parallel memory organization.
- Data driven coupling, data flow computer architecture.
- Parallel algorithms, detection of parallelism, local
balancing, communication and synchronization, features of typical parallel languages,
monitors and operating systems.
- Introduction to hybrid computers.
Reference Books:
- Computer Architectures And Parallel Processing: Faye A Briggs,
McGraw Hill.
- Advanced Computer Architectures: F A Briggs, McGraw Hill.
- Introduction to artificial intelligence: Introduction to AI
languages- LISP and
- Basic problem solving techniques: Search and heuristics,
search algorithms, space search, AND/OR graph, game tree search.
- Logic and theorem solving techniques forward chaining,
backward chaining, resolution, and deduction.
- Structured knowledge representation: Schemata, context-layered
databases, truth maintenance, and procedural attachment.
- Inference methods, predicate logic, semantic networks, frame,
- Programming in PROLOG.
- Machine learning, planning, natural language processing,
computer vision, and neural networks.
- Introduction to expert systems.
Reference Books
- Artificial Intelligence: Patric H Winston, Addison Wesley.
- Introduction To Artificial Intelligence: Eugene Charnaik &
Drem Mcdermott.
- Principles Of Artificial Intelligence: Nils Nilsson, Tioga.
- Artificial Intelligence: Elaine Rich, Tata Mcgraw Hill.
- Artificial Intelligence And The Design Of Expert Systems: C F
Luger, W A Stubblefield.
- Programming In PROLOG: Clocksin And Melish.
- Digital image processing systems: Image acquisition, storage,
processing, communication, display,
- Visual perception: Structure of human eye, image formation in
the human eye, brightness, adaptation and discrimination.
- Image model: Uniform and non-uniform sampling, quantization.
- Image transforms: Introduction to Fourier transform, DFT and
two-dimensional DFT, some properties of DFT, separability, translation, periodicity,
conjugate symmetry, rotation, scaling, average value, convolution theorem, correlation,
FFt algorithms, inverse FFt, filter implementation through FFT.
- Other transforms : Other seperable image transforms and their
- Robotic manipulation: Automation and robotics, classification,
applications, specifications, notations.
- Direct kinematics: Dot and cross products, co-ordinate frames,
rotations, homogeneous co-ordinates, link co-ordination, arm equation, (Five-axes robot,
four-axes robot, six-axes robot), direct kinematics.
- Inverse kinematics: General properties of solutions Tool
configuration, five-axes, three-four-axes, six-axes robots (inverse kinematics).
- Workspace analysis and trajectory planning work envelopes and
examples, workspace fixtures, pick and place operations, continuos path motion, and
interpolated motion, straight-line motion.
- Robot vision: Image representation, template matching,
polyhedral objects, plane analysis, segmentation (thresholding, region labeling, shink
operators, euler number, perspective transformations, structured illumination, camera
- Task planning: Task level programming, uncertainty, and
configuration space, gross motion, source and goal scenes, task planner simulation.
- Moments of inertia.
- Principles of NC and CNC machines.
Text & Reference
Fundamentals of Robotics: Analysis & Control by Robert
Robotics: Fu, Gonzales and Lee.
Introduction to Robotics: Gaig.J.J, Addison-Wesley.
Industrial Robotics: Groover- McGraw Hill.
- Lexical analysis: Some sophisticated pattern matching
algorithms and their optimization, use of LEX.
- Error recovery: Detection, reporting, recovery and repair of
errors in the compilation process.
- Syntax analysis: Canonical LR prasers, handling of ambiguous
grammars, error reporting in LL (1), operator precedence and LR parsing, efficient
generation of LALR (1) sets, optimization of LR parsers, optimization of transformations.
- Run time storage: Activation records, handling recursive
calls, management of variable length blocks, garbage collection and compaction, allocation
strategies for arrays, structures, class.
- Type checking: Overloading of functions and operators,
polymorphic functions, unification algorithm.
- Code generation and semantic analysis: Semantic stacks,
attributed translation, analysis of syntax, directed translation, evaluation of
expressions, control structures, procedure calls.
- Code optimization: Basic blocks and folding, optimization
within iterative loops, global optimization through flow graph analysis, code-improving
transformations, machine dependent optimization.
- Compiler-Compilers: Parser generators, YACC attributed LL (1)
parser generator, machine independent code generation.
- Other topics: Compilers for parallel machines, compilers for
functional languages.
- Compilers: Principles, Techniques And Tools: - Al Aho. Ravi
- The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing: J.P.Tremblay
& P.G.Sorenson. McGraw Hill.
- Compiler Construction: D.M.Dhandhere.
Further to Sem VII work, the students/group of
students shall collect all necessary information and analyze it. The student/group shall
prepare and submit report on the project. It should be type written on A4 size paper, hard
bound and prepared in the academic style. Broadly the report shall have four parts:
Introduction, literature review, data collection, experiments conducted, software
implementation etc.
Acquaintance with survey and research methods
and their use in conducting a systematic investigation and style of report preparation and
presentation shall form the basis of evaluation.
An oral examination shall be conducted at the
end of Sem VIII.