Presidents' Columns in The Institute
Kenneth R. Laker
1999 IEEE President
Kenneth R. Laker received the B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering from
Manhattan College in 1968, M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from New York University in 1970 and 73,
respectively. His career includes experience as an officer in the U.S. Air Force and as an
engineer and manager at AT&T Bell Labs and Bellcore. He was appointed to the
University of Pennsylvania faculty in 1984, as Professor and Chair of the Electrical
Engineering Department. He served as department chair from 1984-92. In 1990 he was
appointed the Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of Electrical Engineering. He has contributed
four books, eighty articles, and six patents; all in the area of microelectronic circuits.
He was elected an IEEE Fellow in 1983 and received an IEEE Centennial Medal in 1984. In
1994 he was awarded the AT&T Clinton Davisson Trophy for his patent in switched
capacitor circuits.
IEEE ACTIVITIES -- (S'70-M'73-SM'78-F'83)
BOARD OF DIRECTORS and EXCOM: Vice President of Educational Activities
(1994-95), Director of Division 1 (1992-94), Chair Electronic Communications Steering
Committee (1992-94), member of General Manager Search Committee (1995), member of
Strategic Planning Committee (1993-94), member of the Electronic Communications Steering
Committee (1996);
TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES BOARD: member of TAB (1983-84, 1992-94), member of
TABAC (1993-94), Liaison Council (1992-94), Products Council (1993-94), TAB/USAB Ad hoc
Committee (1993-94), New Technology Directions Committee (1991); EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES
BOARD: TAB Liaison (1992-94), Long Range Planning Committee (1992-94), Immediate Past
Chair (1996), Chair EAB N & A Committee (1996); Chair of the IEEE/Sloan Career
Education Project Planning Committee (1996); PUBLICATIONS BOARD: member at large
(1990-91), Chair Long Range Planning Committee (1993-94)
UNITED STATES ACTIVITIES BOARD: TAB Liaison (1993-94), member of Opcom
SOCIETIES: member of CAS Adcom (1979-81); CAS Secretary/Treasurer (1980-82); CAS
President-Elect (1982-83), CAS President (1983-84);
TECHNICAL COMMITTEES: Co-Chair Optical, Microwave and Acoustical
Circuits Technical Committee (1977-79); Chair CAS Prize Papers Committee (1991).
CONFERENCES: 1977, 1980, 1990 International Symposium on Circuits and
Systems (ISCAS), Technical Program Committees; 1984 International Conference on Computer
Design (ICCD), Technical Program Committee Chair; 1985 ICCD, General Chair; 1986 ISCAS,
Special Sessions Chair; 1998 ISCAS, Technical Program Co-chair.
SECTION: member of Philadelphia Section EXCOM (1993-97), Vice Chair and
Chair Elect Philadelphia Section (1993-94); Chair Philadelphia Section (1994-95), Junior
Past Chair (1996).
CHAPTERS: Secretary/Treasurer CAS Chapter in Boston Section (1976).
Bruce A.
IEEE President-Elect
Bruce A. Eisenstein received the B.S.E.E. degree from Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in l963, the M.S.E.E. from Drexel University in l965, and the
Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in l970, all in Electrical Engineering. He was a
NASA/ASEE Fellow at Stanford University and the Ames Research Center (l969); he was
Visiting Research Fellow in Electrical Engineering at Princeton University (l970-7l) under
the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation.
From 1971 he was an assistant professor at Drexel, and, in l980 he was
appointed Professor and Head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In
1996 he was named Arthur J. Rowland Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr.
Eisenstein was the l976 recipient of the C. Holmes MacDonald Award of Eta Kappa Nu given
to the Outstanding Young Electrical Engineering Educator and was elected Fellow of the
IEEE in 1986. He was elected President of the National EE Department Heads Association
(NEEDHA) in 1985-86.
He has published 50 papers in the areas of digital signal processing,
pattern recognition, blind deconvolution, and biomedical engineering. He serves on a
number of civic and charitable boards and he has lectured extensively on engineering
around the world. He is a member of Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, Sigma Xi, ASEE, and is a
registered Professional Engineer.
IEEE ACTIVITIES -- (S'62-M'68-SM'76-F'86)
COMMITTEES/BOARDS: Board of Directors, 1993-96, 1998; Executive Committee, 1995-1996,
1998; Budget Development Liaison Committee, 1993-94; IEEE Foundation Board of Directors,
1993 - 1996; IEEE Foundation Blue Ribbon Committee on Bylaws, 1996; Membership Development
Committee, 1993-94; Educational Activities Board, l984-88, Vice Chairman, 1994; EAB Issues
in EE Education, l985-88, Chairman, 1987-88; Publications Board, l987-88; PUB Finance,
Chairman, l987; PUB Society Publications, l987-88; TAB/USAB Engineering R&D, l987;
Technical Activities Board, l984-85, 1993-present; Vice President 1995-1996; Presidential
Blue Ribbon Committee on Staff, Chairman, 1997; The Institute Editorial Board, 1997 to
present; Treasurer, 1998; Finance Committee Chairman, 1998; Individual Benefits and
Services Committee, 1998; Insurance Committee, 1998; Investment Committee; 1998; Employee
Benefits Committee, 1998; Facilities Committee, 1998; Compensation Committee, 1998.
SECTIONS: Philadelphia: Secretary, l985-86,Treasurer, 1986-87; Vice
Chairman 1987-89; Chairman, 1989-90. Student Activities Chairman, l977-79, l98l-82,
l985-86; Automatic Control Chapter, Chairman, l97l, Vice Chairman, l970, Secretary, l969;
Information Theory Chapter, Chairman, l974, Secretary, l973. SOCIETIES: Education Society:
President, l984-85, Secretary-Treasurer, l980-8l, AdCom, l982-88; Education Society
Achievement Award, 1987.
CONFERENCES: Frontiers in Education Conference, General Chairman, l984,
Member of the FIE Steering Committee, 1989-1994, Chair 1989-1991. International Conference
on Communications (ICC), Publications Chairman, l982. Ron Schmitz Award for Outstanding
service to the FIE Conference, 1993.
STUDENT BRANCHES: Drexel University, Counselor, l97l-1996; Drexel
University Student Branch Computer Society, Founder and Counselor, l977-1996.
REPRESENTATIVE: National EE Department Heads Association (NEEDHA),
President, l985-86; NEEDHA Distinguished Service Award, 1996; ABET Program Evaluator,
Electrical Engineering, 1983-89, Systems Engineering, 1994-present.
Joseph Bordogna
IEEE Past President
Joseph Bordogna is Acting Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer of
the National Science Foundation of the United States. Complementing his NSF duties, he has
chaired committees on Manufacturing and Environmental Technologies within the U.S.
President's National Science and Technology Council, was a member of the Federal
Government's Technology Reinvestment Project team (TRP), and serves on the Partnership for
a New Generation of Vehicles (PNGV) Committee, and the U.S.-Japan Joint Optoelectronics
He received the B.S.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of
Pennsylvania and the S.M. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As well
as his assignment at NSF, his career includes experience as a line officer in the U.S.
Navy, a practicing engineer in industry, and a professor.
Prior to appointment at NSF, he served at the University of Pennsylvania
as Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of Engineering, Director of The Moore School of
Electrical Engineering, Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science, and Faculty
Master of Stouffer College House, a living-learning student residence at the University.
He has made contributions to the engineering profession in a variety of
areas including early laser communications systems, electro-optic recording materials, and
holographic television playback systems. He was a founder of PRIME (Philadelphia Regional
Introduction for Minorities to Engineering) and served on the Board of The Philadelphia
Partnership for Education, community coalitions providing, respectively, supportive
academic programs for K-12 students and teachers.
He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS), the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), and the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Daniel J. Senese
IEEE Executive Director
Daniel J. Senese received his Bachelor of Science in 1967 and Master
of Science in 1968, both in electrical engineering, from the University of Illinois,
Urbana, U.S.A.
He joined AT&T Bell Labs in Naperville, Illinois, in 1968 working on
the development of telephone electronic switching systems. In 1971, Mr. Senese was
promoted to supervisor of a group working on centralization and automation of telephone
switching operations at Bell Labs in Holmdel, New Jersey, U.S.A. This assignment involved
pioneering work on Switching Control Center and the SCC System. In 1979, he was promoted
to department head in the Total Network Data Systems organization, and in 1982 transferred
to lead the department working on mechanization of work force administration.
At the time of AT&T divestiture, Mr. Senese joined Bellcore as
Division Manager, Switching Operations. In 1986, he led the Intelligent Network Planning
Division working on 800-Number Data Base Service and the Advanced Intelligent Network.
He was promoted in 1987 to director of Strategic Network Planning in the
Ameritech Corporate Strategic Planning organization in Chicago, Illinois and in September
1988 returned to Bellcore as assistant vice president, Operations Technology.
In 1989, Mr. Senese became assistant vice president of Network Product
Management., He became assistant vice president, Bellcore Restructure in 1993, and in 1994
he was made vice president - Quality. In September 1995, he left Bellcore to become
Executive Director of he IEEE, responsible for the nearly 800 employees of the Institute
in N. America, Europe and Asia who serve the 330,000 members in more than 150 countries.
Mr. Senese holds three patents on self-checking computer design and has
published in that area, as well as architecture of switching systems and centralized
switching maintenance. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE. |