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Details of the Meetings and Activities

(Of those already held and being proposed for the year 1998 - 99)

  1. Business - General:
  2. The Student Council of the IEEE - VESIT Student Branch meet with the student members once every two weeks, and the future activities are planned. The Council has met with the members, seven times, since it assumed office for the year 1998 - 99, in April 1998. The last meeting was held on 15 October 1998. Activities are planned on the basis of estimated student member participation.

  3. Business - ExCom:
  4. The Student Council meets once every week, to distribute work among the council members and the student members, according to the schedule planned in the general meetings. The Council assess the work that has been completed, plans further activities and sets achievable goals.

  5. Membership Promotion:
  6. Membership Promotion has, been one of the foremost activities of the IEEE - VESIT Student Branch for the year 1998 - 99. Membership drives for half year membership was held in July, and the membership drive for the full year membership, commenced in mid -September is being currently continued as well.

  7. Elections:
  8. Elections for the Student Council of the IEEE - VESIT Student Branch, was held in early March 1998. A main council of five members was elected. Besides this, two new posts were also included into the council, namely for web page development and maintenance, and for editorship of a new student branch newsletter.

  9. Fund Raising:
  10. Fund raising activities are conducted each month, and were conducted every month from August till September. Fund raising activities are conducted after membership drives have been completed. This activity is currently on hold and will resume from December.

  11. Library Subscription:
  12. The IEEE - VESIT Student Branch has subscribed for the IEEE Student Branch Library Subscription Package. A section of the college library will be dedicated for the IEEE periodicals and journals. All IEEE student members are sure to be benefited by this.

  13. Technical Speakers:
  14. A technical guest lecture on Avionics was held on 12 September 1998. The guest speaker for the talk was Dr. Satish Modh, from Air India, an Indian Government Airline Company.

    A report on the talk given by Dr. Modh, is enclosed. Please refer Annexure 3 for details. No such talks could be conducted in the months of July and August as the Branch was busy with fund raising activities, student membership drives, technical paper contests, and was organizing a technical tour. Guest Lectures are planned for the months of January, February and March.

  15. Technical Tour:
  16. The IEEE - VESIT Student Branch organized a technical tour and visited three companies in Pune, from 17 September 1998 till 20 September 1998. A detailed report of the entire tour is attached. [Annexure 4]. A second industrial trip is being planned for the month of January, and will be conducted depending on availability of funds.

  17. Technical Films:
  18. No technical film shows were conducted for the first half of the tenure of the council. Technical Film shows are planned for the month of February.

  19. Branch Projects:

The IEEE - VESIT Student Branch has organized and planned for many activities for the academic year 1998 - 99.

  • Two technical paper writing contests were held in the months of September and October. Please refer enclosed report [Annexure 5(a)] for details.
  • A programming contest was conducted for all student members in the last week of August, for juniors and seniors, and in the first week of September for sophomore members. Annexure 5(b) has further details.
  • The IEEE - VESIT Student Branch, has started a student level bimonthly newsletter, called "Innovation".
  • Various technical activities have been planned for the months from January to March. A report of these activities is enclosed. [Annexure 1(a)]. No activities will be held in the months of November and December due to midterm examinations and winter holidays..
  1. Joint Section/ Branch Activities:

The IEEE - VESIT Student Branch, had suggested to the IEEE - Bombay Section about the possibility of starting a Bombay Section Newsletter, that would have contributions from all the IEEE Student Branches all over Bombay.

The IEEE - Bombay Section has agreed to this proposal, and with its help, the IEEE - VESIT Student Branch, along with four other IEEE Student Branches namely IEEE - TSEC Student Branch, IEEE - VJTI Student Branch, IEEE - Fr. C R Student Branch, and IEEE - IIT (Bombay) Student Branch, has started the newsletter, called "Short Circuit".

We also plan to participate in the IEEE Region 10 Student paper contest in November 1998, and the IEEE Bombay Section Paper Contest in March 1999. Four student members from our branch have already secured two prizes at the IEEE - Bombay Section Paper contest, that was held in March 1998.


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