Proposed Activities of the IEEE - VESIT Student Branch
(January 1999 - March 1999)
The IEEE - VESIT Student Branch has planned the following activities
for the months from January 1999 till March 1999.
- Technical Talks and Technical Film Shows
Each of three technical talks and film shows are planned to be
conducted in the first week of January and the second and third weeks of February.
- Technical Tours
We propose to conduct a technical tour in the last week of January, to
some companies in Bombay.
- Other Contests
We also propose to conduct the following contests:
- Webpage design and T - Shirt design contest in the first two weeks of January.
The winning T- Shirt design will be used for the IEEE - VESIT Student Branch T - Shirt.
The winning webpage designer will be allowed to give a new look to the IEEE - VESIT
Student Branch webpage.
- Software design contest in the first week of February. The software contest
theme, is to design a quizzing software, that has in-built difficulty levels, and
different rounds. Thus, the aim of the software is to simulate an actual quiz.
- Article Writing Contest in the third week of January.
- Hardware Design Contest in the first two weeks of January. The IEEE - VESIT
Student Branch plans to participate for a Design Contest/Exhibition called Elecrama - 99,
which is an all India Design contest. The IEEE -VESIT Student Branch will represent the
college at this exhibition.
The projects proposed are on Laser Communication, and on Robotics. All
student members will be actively involved with this project, and we have already commenced
work on the project proposal that is to be submitted to the college management. The Branch
will be totally funded for these projects by the college.
The IEEE - VESIT Student Branch plans to conclude its activities for
the year 1998 - 99 with its Annual Symposium to be held in mid March. We plan to make the
event intercollegiate, where student members from all IEEE Student Branches in Bombay will
be invited to participate.
The Annual Technical Symposium is proposed to be a four day event, and
will have the following content.
- Student Professional Awareness Conference (S - PAC) consisting of guest speakers who
will introduce student participants to career opportunities and co-curricular activities
that we as engineers shouldnt neglect.
- Technical Games, such as dumb charades, pictionaries, and treasure hunts. The aim behind
this, is to make some of the events slightly informal to generate student enthusiasm and
- Technical Workshops; content for the technical workshops are yet to be decided.
- Technical Lectures, conducted by well qualified and industry seasoned professionals.
- Intercollegiate Technical Quiz, where all participants can pit their wits and technical
knowledge against the quizmaster.
We plan to fund this Annual Symposium with the help from the IEEE
Bombay Section and by seeking sponsorship.