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1. DISCOVER CAREER OPPORTUNITIES and gain a better understanding of your field. The IEEE-USA On-line Job Listing Service, rated # 1 by EE Times, can turn your employment potential into a recruitment fact. As an IEEE member, you can put your resume on-line at nocharge - employers will access your resume instantly. In addition, you can access the entry-level position area, job search tools, US government job listing sites, find out about job fairs in your area, and more! (Due to resource limitations, IEEE cannot assist with job placement or immigration information.)

To search current job listings or to post your resume, visit www.ieee.org/usab/EMPLOYMENT/ Your membership also includes access to the Electro Technology Industry (ETI) database, a searchable directory of small- to medium-sized US businesses that hire employees in the field of electrotechnology. Available only to IEEE members, the ETI contains more than 40,000 US company profiles that list company size, location, and contacts. To find out about the companies specializing in your field of interest, visit www.ieee.org/eti/


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