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graphic from IEEE site <www.ieee.org> GAIN A COMPETITIVE EDGE with IEEE Spectrum and IEEE Potentials magazine included in your Student membership are subscriptions to the award-winning IEEE Spectrum and Potentials magazines – created specifically for up-and-coming electrical and computer engineers, IEEE Potentials, explores career strategies, professional awareness and the latest research and important technical developments. IEEE Potentials relates theories to practical applications and highlights technology’s global impact. For more information, visit www.cs.umr.edu/potentials (IEEE Potentials magazine is available to US & Canadian Student members as part of their member dues. Student members from all other countries MUST order (and pay an additional US $5.00 per year for) IEEE Potentials.

ACCESS WORLD-CLASS TECHNICAL INFORMATION provided by the IEEE.   Cut down your research time by tapping into the vast array of technical publications produced by the IEEE. IEEE publishes more than 30% of the world’s literature on electrical, electronics and computing technology—your IEEE membership gives you quick and affordable access to it all.

IEEE online resources catalog, edit, and index the industry’s foremost periodicals and papers, putting vital new information to work for you right away. Here are just a few of the IEEE resources available online:

IEEE Biblio On-line - www.biblio.ieee.org - exclusive access to tables of
contents, articles, and abstracts of all 100+ IEEE periodicals.

IEEE Publications On-line - www.ieee.org/pubs/ - 30% of all IEEE’s journals and magazines are as near as your desktop!

Award-Winning IEEE Spectrum Magazine - www.spectrum.ieee.org -
featuring in-depth, global articles on technological trends across the full range of engineering topics.

The Institute - www.institute.ieee.org/INST/ti.html - IEEE's member
newsletter will keep you up-to-date on IEEE current events and activities.

IEEE Online Periodicals Research Area (OPeRA) - www.opera.ieee.org - Society members receive immediate electronic access to current and most recent issue of archival journals.

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