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Analogue Integrated Circuits

Operational amplifier, specifications, characteristics & working

- functional diagram & specifications of OP-AMP 741

- DC, AC, characteristics

 Linear applications of OP-AMP

Inverting & non inverting amplifier, summing amplifier, differentiator, integrator, adder, subtractor, instrumentation amplifier, voltage follower V-I, I-V converter precision rectifier, peak detector, clipper, clamper, sample/hold circuit, log, antilog amplifier, multiplier, gyrator Oscillator- phase shift oscillator, Wien bridge oscillator

Switching applications

Comparators, zero crossing detector, window detector, Schmitt trigger, monostable, astable, triangular wave generator, ramp, square wave generator , VCO

Voltage Regulators

-specifications, of 723 regulators like 78xx series & LM317, working of switching mode regulator like SG1524

555 Timer

Functional diagram, specifications, applications as monostable, astable, bistable, missing pulse detector, pulse width modulator.

Phase Locked Loop:

Functional block diagram, working principles & specifications of IC NE565, applications like frequency divider, frequency multiplier, digital PLL4046

Analogue / Digital conversion

Different types of A/D, D/A, converters, study of DAC0808 & ADC 0809.unction generator IC 8038, analogue multiplexer IC, 4 quadrant multiplier, DVM IC 7107 block diagram

Designing with Integrated Circuits

Designing with Analogue Integrated Circuits

Designing with OP-AMPs: zero crossing detector, logarithmic amplifier, VCO, instrumentation amplifier Designing of timing circuits with 555 for sinking and sourcing load current applications. Designing of temperature controller and small d.c motor controller using ICs SL440, CA3059,PA436 with

Integrated Circuits.

Combinational circuit design:

Using gates: concept of lowest chip count, reduced SOP, POS forms for a logic function, multiple function minimisation using gate sharing Using MSI chips: review of Multiplexers, Shannons theorem, mux trees, classification as type1, type2 . Type2 mux design, proper choice of select inputs using K maps. Designing with decoders using AND / NAND basis, implementing logic functions like PROM, PLA & PAL.

Synchronous sequential logic circuit design:

Moore, Mealy and mixed type of synchronous state machines, analysis of Synchronous sequential circuits, ASM charts .System controllers using combinational MSI/LSI circuits. Methods of reduction, state assignment design steps leading to next state decoders use of D, JK& T flip-flop conversion of one f/f to another Design of single mode, multimode counters

Microprocessors II

Overview of microcomputer system, Hardware and Software principles.

Introduction to single chip microprocessor Intel MCS51 family.

Architectural and operational features, instruction set , timings , machine cycles, interrupt structures and priorities, internal timer / counter, serial interface. connection of external memory, power saving modes, EPROM programming for EPROM versions

Architecture and organisation of 8086/8088 microprocessor.

Study of instruction set, assembly language programming, introduction to mixed language programming using C and assembly languages.8086 minimum and maximum mode operation, timing diagrams, 8288 bus controller.8086 interrupt structure.

Memory system design for 8086

Interface of dynamic read/write memory, timing for memory interfacing,

connection of I/O controllers,chips:8255,8259,UART 8250 programmable DMA 8237, data communications, EIA RS-232C & IEEE 488, error detection & correction--parity & cyclic redundancy check

The 8087 Co- Processor.

Study of architecture of 8087 co-processor, host & 8087 interface, assembly language programming for 8086-8087 interface

Introduction to multi processors systems

Multiprocessor configurations, Study of 8289 bus arbiter, deign of 8086 based multi processors systems( without timing considerations)

Industrial Electronics

Silicon Controlled Rectifier

High current SCR & TRIAC construction, Voltage & current ratings of SCR, turn on, turnoff, Holding & latching currents, di/dt, dv/dt ratings. Gate characteristics. Protection of SCR against over current, over voltage, dv/dt, di/dt.

Principles of working of IGBT, its characteristics & comparison with SCR


Characteristics, mode of operation & ratings, principle of working of

DIAC, UJT. triggering using DIAC / UJT RC phase shift network and phase shift bridge

SCR applications

Half controlled and full controlled bridge.

D.C power control using SCR-UJT.

Speed torque regulators for DC motors using SCR-UJT

A.C power control using SCR-UJT

Soft-start circuits

Inverter & Chopper

Principles of operation , series & parallel inverters, simple chopper circuits like Jones chopper

Welding controls

SCR for welding, welding control circuits, SCR contactor, timers, synchronous timers

Regulated power supply:

Series voltage regulator using D.C error amplifier, series losses & zener reference, comparison of the schematic circuit of IC723 or 3085 , short circuit protection, current regulators

Principles of high frequency heating, induction, dielectric heating methods

Design of SCR D.C . power control circuits

Design of A.C power control circuits including triggering circuits.

Satellite T.V. & VIDEO technology

Basic Television System:

Sound and picture transmission, scanning process, camera pick-up devices, video signals, transmission & reception. Visual characteristics, colour specifications & signal analysis Resolving power of the eye, storage characteristics of brightness & colour in the visual process, system requirements for presentation of image details, scanning methods and video signals, low frequency requirements, estimate of system requirements, other aspects of the theory of scanning, bandwidth requirements for the adding of chrominance information.

Synchronisation & picture standards:

Transmission of synchronising information, timing relation for interlaced scanning, basic synchronising wave form, standard NTSC signal, modulation property standards

Composite Video Signal:

Analysis of Video signal components, horizontal sync. and blanking standard vertical sync. and sync. separation.

T.V. Cameras.

Camera lenses, tubes, image orthicon, vidicon, plumbicon, comparison of tubes, video processing of camera pick up tube signals, silicon diode array vidicon / multi diode vidicon CCD cameras, colour TV cameras

Colour Television:

Colour fundamentals, mixing of colours, colour perception, chromaticity diagram, colour TV picture tubes, colour TV transmission & reception, SECAM and PAL systems.

Broadcast TV receivers.

Block schematic and functional requirements, trends in circuit design, receiving antennae, RF transmission lines, detectors, video amplifiers, audio systems and AGC methods.

Satellite system

Introduction, orbital aspect of satellite communication, Keplers laws, orbital mechanics, Low & high orbits, Geo-synchronous & geo-stationary orbits, Launching & orbital perturbations & Correction, equinox.

Satellite TV

Up-link, down-link frequencies, power levels & noise, Modulation & bandwidth of TV signals for satellite communication, transmitter, Satellite transponder, up converter, down converter, retransmission, earth station receiver, down converter low noise amplifier, re-modulation for broadcasting

Principles of Economics and Management.

Nature and significance of economics, science, engineering, technology and their relationship with economic development, appropriate technology for developing countries.

Demand, supply, elasticity of demand and supply,

Competition : monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, causes creating categories of monopoly organisation, price determination under perfect competition and monopoly, price discrimination, equilibrium of firm under competition and monopoly.

Functions of money, supply & demand for money, money price level & inflation, black money, meaning, magnitude & consequences

Functions of Commercial banks, multiple credit creation, banking system in India, shortcomings & improvements.

Central banking : function of central banking illustrated with reference to RBI, monetary policy making, objectives and features.

Sources of public revenue, principles of taxation, direct and indirect taxes, distribution of incidence, tax structures, reform of tax system

Theory of international trade, balance of trade and payment, theory of protection, tariffs and subsidies. foreign exchange control, devaluation

New economic policy : Liberalisation, extending privatisation, globalisation, market friendly state, export-led growth.

Causes of underdevelopment, determinants of economic development, economic and non- economic factors, stages of growth, strategy of development, big push, balanced & unbalanced, critical minimum effort strategy, necessity & type of economic planning.

Management functions, responsibilities of management to society, development of management thought, contribution of F.W. Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo, system contingency approaches to management.

Nature of planning, decision making process, management by objectives.

Organisation structures : Functional product matrix, flat and vertical structures, authority relationships, de-centralisation and delegation of authority.

Communication process, media channels and barriers to effective communication.

Maslow, Herzberg and Macgregors theory of motivation. McClellands achievement motivation, Blanchards situational leadership theory.

Production Management.

Production planning and control, work study, materials management.

Preventive maintenance,Quality control,Total quality management,Quality Circles.

Need for good cost accounting system, cost control techniques of financial control, financial statements, financial ratios, break-even analysis, budgeting and budgetary control.

Marketing functions. Management of sales and advertising marketing research.

Human Resource management - selection, training and appraisal and compensation administration.

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