Microprocessors III The 80386 Microprocessor. Software Model, memory address space, data organisation, data types, registers and memory segmentation in the real address mode, real mode instructions. Real interrupts. The 80386 Protected Virtual Address Mode. Register model, memory management, address translation, segmentation and segment descriptor table, segment selectors and descriptors, protection model, data access and control transfer, Multi tasking, task state segment and task switches. I / O level protection , paging, protected mode interrupts and exceptions. their priorities, and interrupt / exception transfer methods. Virtual 86 mode of operation. Protected mode specific instructions. The 80386 signal interface. Bus states, pipelined and non pipelined bus cycles, memory and I / O interfaces, cache memory concepts, cache architectures, Direct mapped, two way set associative cache, cache coherency, Typical cache controller and its operating system concepts. Virtual memory concepts, single tasking and multi tasking concepts, requirements of protection in multitasking applications. Usage in a cache memory subsystem. The Industry Standard bus Architecture. Introduction to 8 and 16 bit transfers. ISA interrupt subsystem, 82C59A usage and cascading of two 82C59A devices, The IRQ-2 redirect, shareable interrupts, NMI, DMA review, DMA transfer modes of the 8237A controller, ISA DMA subsystem, DMA bus cycle, DMAC addressing capability, addressing local bus memory, ISA bus master capability, bus masters and DRAM refresh. The ISA real time clock and configuration RAM, ISA timer. Digital Communication. Introduction to Digital Transmission. Different Techniques of Sampling the Signals. Natural Sampling and Flat top Sampling. Digital Modulation Techniques. Binary and M-ary versions of PSK, ASK, FSK, MSK, Duo- Binary encoding, Tamed FM and Partial Response signalling. Introduction to Probability Theory. Bayesian policy, Cumulative Distribution Function, Probability Density Function, error function and complementary error function. Data Transmission. Integrator, Optimum Filter, Matched Filter and Correlation receiver. Calculation of probability of error in PSK, ASK and FSK. Coding Techniques. Cyclic Codes, Convolution Codes and linear block codes. Introduction to frequency hopped and direct frequency spread spectrum techniques. Advanced Communication Systems. Satellite Communication, Mobile radio and Broad band ISDN. Electronic Instrumentation. Basic Concepts and Quality of Measurement. Review of Analogue and Digital systems : static and dynamic characteristics, First order, Second order instrumentation systems, responses to step, ramp, pulse, sine signals, System noise and signal to noise ratio. Transducers for Process Measurement. Measurement of temperature, pressure, force, torque, vibrations, velocity, flow, level, pH, humidity, performance characteristics and selection for a given application. Signal Conditioning. Systems such as Chopper stabilised amplifier, Instrumentation amplifier and selection for particular applications. Modulators and Demodulators. Active filters, design of 1st and 2nd order Butterworth filters, data transmission and telemetry ( only conceptual treatment ). Automatic Controllers. Basics of feedback control systems and applications to measurement and control. Control actions - two position controllers, Floating controllers. Proportional, Derivative and Integral controller, Composite controllers such as Proportional Integral, Proportional Integral Differential ( PID ) controllers. Analysis and implementation of electronic controllers. Data Acquisition Systems. Components of Analogue and Digital Acquisition system. Microprocessor and Computer based instrumentation system ( block diagram treatment ). Introduction to System Design. Systems Approach to analysis and design. Classification of systems - classical and modern approach, Monte Carlo method and its simple applications. Review of probability theory, conditional probability, probability distributions, expected value, failure mechanisms, failure rates, reliability engineering, Mean Time Before Failure, methods of improving reliability, redundancy. Evaluation of alternatives and elements of decision theory. Sensitivity : Tellegens theorem. Applications, sensitivity of network variables to network parameters. Adjoint networks for simple networks including dependent current sources and voltage sources. Sensitivity calculations. Design Theory : Elements of Optimisation by linear programming, Simplex method and applications to simple problems, transportation problems and simple applications. Microwave and Optical Communication. Introduction to Microwave Communication : Need for microwave communication, Classification of frequency spectrum. Microwave Waveguides. Rectangular and Circular Waveguides. Solutions of wave equations, TE and TM modes, Power transmission, Power losses. Cavity Resonators. Analysis of rectangular cavity resonators, Quality factor of the cavity resonator, different types of cavities. S - Parameters. Properties of S - parameters. Microwave Components and their S - matrix representation. Microwave Ferrite Devices. Microwave Vacuum Tubes. Klystron, Reflex Klystron, Travelling Wave Tube and Magnetron. Microwave Measurements Measurement of frequency, power, wavelength and Standing Wave Ratio. Microwave Solid State Devices. Detectors, Gunn Effect, IMPATT and TRAPATT diodes, their description, working and performance. Optical Communication. 1. Need for Optical Communication, types of fibres, total internal reflection, propagation of light through fibres. 2. Optical fibre as a cylindrical waveguide, solution of wave equations. TE, TM, Hybrid and L.P.Modes. 3. Dispersion in fibres, Losses in fibres. 4. Optical devices : LED, Laser Diode, Detectors, Connectors and Splices. 5. Optical communicating systems : Description and Working. 6. Fabrication of fibre : Different chemical processes for the fabrication of preforms, fibre drawing. 7. Measurements : Dispersion and Attenuation. Project - I The students are expected to take up a project under the guidance of a teacher from the institute, to be completed in Semester VII and VIII. This may include Experimental Analysis / Verification. Development of Design methods and Verifications. Design and Fabrication of a model or a circuit. Development of a Software for analysis and / or design or decision making during engineering and management practice. The student may be asked to work individually or in a group having not more than five in a group. Basic study through review of literature on the topic selected shall be completed in semester VII. The scope of the project, identification of necessary data, sources of such data etc. shall be identified. The student / group has to prepare a brief hand written report on the work done . The report should include the objective of the project, scope of the project, methodology and review of the literature. |