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Paper Writing Contest:-The Paper writing contest was held with almost double the enthusiasm as was last year. It had various topics like 3d Rendering and Ray Tracing, Active Networks,Smart Cards, RISC Technology etc.The Paper writing contest was evaluated by the professors from IIT and BARC.
The following are the results :
1. Tushar R. & Harjinder T.E. Elex
2. Yash B. , Shubhankar, Amit G. : T.E. Elex
3. Milind N., Ganesh P., Govind S. : T.E. Elex

SE :
1. Apurva, Sonali & Shweta  (Comps).
2. Preeti & P. Himabindu (Elex).
3. Abhijeet, Anish & Kedar (Comps).

Programming Contest:- The Programming Contest was a success with the TEs and SEs participating enthusiastically. It was help in the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Lab.
The winners for the contest were :
TE/BE : 1. Sushil T. & Swapnil S. (B.E. Elecs)
            2. Amit & Chetna K. (T.E. Comps).

SE : 1. Vinod & Vivek. : Elex
       2. Apurva & Rodney.: Comps

Bombay Section Contest : The winners at IEEE bombay section last year were

  • Satyavikas Kasturi " Cursive writing synthesis"
  • -second prize Milind Nagda, Ganesh Pai and Govind Subbarao -"MRI"

This year the winners were

  • Shweta Vengsarkar, Apurva Mehr and Sonali Patkar " Smart Cards"
  • Onkar gaitonde and marzin masalawala " timing synchronisation for batsmen" [hardware]

Web Design Contest

First prize - Saumitra Mohan Das https://members.tripod.com/ieeevesit

Second Prize - Yash Bajpai, Alok Agarwal www.digicron.com/ieeevesit

Technical Article Writing Contest

First Prize - Saumitra Mohan Das [Gigabit Networks]

Second Prize - Amit Bhargava 

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