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What is the IEEE ?

The Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) is the world's largest technical soceity of any discipline. The IEEE originally came into existence in 1884 as the brain-child of a few scientists pursuing the realms of the newly born world of electrical engineering.

Today the institute boasts of over 320,000 members worldwide hailing from over 152 countries around the globe. The institute strives to encourage, organize, and sponsor technical activities all over the world. The main objective is to advance the theory and practice in the fields of electronics, electrical engineering, and computer science and engineering. The IEEE sponsors technical conferences and local branch activities relating to the progress of sciences related to electrical engineering in general. It makes available to members, educational programs concerning the latest developments in the field, helping them keep themselves abreast with today's and tommorow's technology, that will hopefully mould the lifes of us all. Today nearly a quarter of all the technical papers in the world, relating to electrical, electronics, and computer engineering, are published by the IEEE.

Throughout it's activities the IEEE is constantly trying to achieve two goals namely; to enhance the quality of life for all people by improving public awareness of the technologies that play part in our daily lives; and secondly to advance the standing of the engineering profession and it's members.

Through its members, the IEEE is a catalyst for technological innovation and a leading authority in technical areas ranging from computer engineering, biomedical technology and telecommunications, to electric power, aerospace and consumer electronics, among others. The IEEE is a not-for-profit association and has more than 330,000 individual members in 150 countries. Through its technical publishing, conferences and consensus-based standards activities, the IEEE

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