You can join by getting a student application form here and
filling it up according to the sample form we have provided on this page.
Please register at this site for further details.
A council member will meet you personally or you will be mailed all the details. We have
started a system in which you can pay us in Indian Rupees equivalent to the membership
costs and draft charges. IEEE membership requires payment by dollar draft and since in
India this may be tedious we have decided to do the work of procuring dollar drafts for
aspiring members. There are no extra costs for this service. The current rate for half
yearly membership is Rs. 400/- [ 280/- membership + 100/- draft + 20/- mailing]
Only engineering students of VESIT are eligible
for membership. Please register using the form below. If your net connection is too slow
for the pdf or you are experiencing problems please contact the council on email.
Click here to view
the benefits of membership
![Join IEEE VESIT <graphic>](graphics/joinieee.jpg)
![Click here to download a sample filled form in .jpg format](graphics/form_small.jpg)
- Please use the samp[e filled out application to ease your work and
ours. Just replace the fields marked with a <-> with your relevant personal details.
HI friends!
The following lines are to clear any doubts you might have :
1) Where to collect an IEEE membership forms :The IEEE membership forms can be collected
from any of the council members of IEEE-VESIT before the end of your term.please inform us
a day in advance so that we
can arrange for your form.
2) The amount to be paid : The IEEE student membership fees is $14 per
year.However,presently membership is open only for half the year from june 99 to december
99, after which membership may be renewed for the entire year from January 2000 to
december 2000. The fee for half yearly membership is $7, which must be paid in the form of
a dollar draft. CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. To make thing a lot
easier for our student members, we propose to collect the membership dues in rupees. The
equivalent rupee fees is Rs.400 for the period from June 99 - December 99.This fees
includes your dollar processing fees ( which is anywhere bw Rs100- Rs.200 depending on the
bank from whom you issue your draft ) and your postage fee ( by registered airmail to the
US )
3) To whom the cash must be paid : Cash may be paid to any of the council members. You can
also submit your form and pay your fee during the study leave , but then it may lead to
confusion as we too will be preparing for our exams.
4) Any doubts you have while filling the form can addressed to any member of the council.
Do ensure that you fill up all the correct details before you submit the form.Please
remember that all correspondence ( for eg . the spectrum magazines ) is directly between
the main branch in the US and yourself and in no way routed through IEEE-VESIT . If you
are in doubt, do not hesitate to contact any one of us at any time .
The IEEE Council ( 1999-2000).
Contact numbers :
Milind Nagda (D9)
Govind Subbarao (D9)
Vice Chairperson
578 1632 / 576 8267
Shweta Vengsarker (D6)
430 0168 / 422 8904
Rajaraman P. (D8)
556 8408
Membership development Board
Ganesh Pai (D9)
582 7470
Vishal Shah (D6)
Vice chairperson
494 0918
Editorial Board
Saumitra Das (D9)
Amit Bhargava (D10)
Vice Chairperson
558 3476
Vivek Sundaram (D6)
528 3837 / 528 2587
Abhijeet Shrikande (D6)
634 0477 / 634 2494
Web Editors
Yash Bajpai (D9)
564 0141
Sumit Gwalani (D6)
529 1527 / 522 5309
Publicity Committee
Rodney Martis (D6)
650 6433
Himabindu P. (D5)