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A Report on the Programming Contest conducted by the

IEEE - VESIT Student Branch

The IEEE -VESIT Student Branch conducted two software programming contests for all the student members, as a part of its activities. The contests were "on the spot" contests, where all participating members were given a software problem on the spot, and asked to solve it using either PASCAL or C languages.

Both contests were conducted in the month of September, the first was meant for the Second year student members and the second was for the Third year and Final year student members. In all, 16 groups of student members from three branches of engineering participated.

Two winning groups were selected from the Second year students:

  1. Vaibhav, and Vishal, sophomore students from the Department of Computer Engineering.
  2. Apurva and Rodney, sophomore students from the Department of Computer Engineering.

Two winning groups were selected from the Third and Final year students:

  1. Sushil Tanna and Swapneel Shidhaye, Final year students from the Department of Electronics Engineering.
  2. Amit Bhargava and Chetan Kale, Third year students from the Department of Computer Engineering.

The programs were judged on the basis of correctness of approach, and time taken to complete the program.

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