A Report on Technical Paper Contests conducted by the IEEE -VESIT Student Branch The IEEE - VESIT Student Branch conducts technical paper contests as part of its activities, to cultivate technical writing and research skills in student members. This year as well, we conducted two technical paper contests, in the months of September and October. The first contest was conducted for junior and senior students, in August and the second contest was conducted in October, for sophomore students. Paper Contest for Juniors and Seniors: The student members responded to the contest enthusiastically. Over 40 student members participated (16 groups), from three departments of engineering, namely
Student members were allowed to present a twenty - page technical paper on any technical subject of their choice. Papers presented, had varied technical subjects, right from core electronics and communication, to artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic, and robotics. 10 groups were short-listed for the final presentation. The judges for the event were:
Out of the 10 groups, 3 groups were finally chosen as winners for their topics on
Paper Contest for Sophomore Students: Here too, we were confronted with an overwhelming and an enthusiastic response from the newly recruited sophomore students. Over 30 student members participated, from all four departments in our college, namely:
Once again, the students were urged to write a 20 - page technical paper on any technical topic of their choice. The winners of this paper contest were judged without a final presentation. The papers were judged on the basis of originality of work, depth of coverage, overall layout of the paper, among other criteria. Three winning groups were selected out of eleven. Judges for the contest were:
The winning papers were: