- The American National Standards Institute
:This is the ANSI's web catalog. It includes a searchable database of more than 11,000
approved American National Standards, all of which are available for purchase from ANSI.
It also contains information about other ANSI publications and services.
- The American Nuclear Society :The American Nuclear
Society's Worldwide Electronic Resource (the ANSWER) is the official web source for
information on nuclear sciences, technologies, issues.
- The American Society for Engineering Education
:ASEE is a
nonprofit organization of individuals, institutions, and companies dedicated to improving
all aspects of engineering education. This site has a very interesting precollege section
which attempts to explain what engineers do and to help high school students determine
whether they have the interest and the aptitude to study engineering.
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
:American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is dedicated to ensuring that mechanical
engineers are current, safety conscious, and committed to improving international
technical safety. This impressive site has information about the organization, jobs, FAQ,
a magazine, lots more of interest to current and prospective engineers.
- The American Solar Energy Society :This home page
contains a publication catalog, membership info, and much more.
- American Wind Energy Association :The AWEA home
page has all the info on wind energy, "the world's fastest growing energy
- AutomationNET :For those who make, integrate, or
need automation systems, this database offers products, companies, job and technical
information, and links.
- The Art of Motion :Motion control is the process
of computer controlled kinetics-- the foundation of robotics. The ability to precisely
control the path of a tool enables fabrication of objects that would not be possible or
practical by hand held methods.
- CAEDE Home Page :This NASA site provides
center-wide state-of-the-art computer based tools for electrical and optical engineering,
design, and development. CAEDE hosts an agency wide online integrated circuit, discrete
component, and passive component database and also provides access to the NASA Assurance
System (NAS) database.
- Coastal and Engineering Geology Group
:The British Geological Survey here details the work of its Coastal and Engineering
Geology Group (coastal geology, engineering geology, geophysics, environmental science),
offers categorized links to related sites, and lists title, author and description of the
most recent publications in the field.
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Resources
Online :Just as titled, this is a collection of links to information related to
Computational Fluid Dynamics.
- Computer Engineering by Nerd World Media
:Tons of computer and engineering sites here, but also a 27-category index search tool
with site summaries. Excellent.
- Crazy About Constraints :A web site dedicated to
providing resources and information about the Theory of Constraints, the Thinking
Processes, Synchronous Manufacturing, and other techniques developed by Dr.Eliyahu
- EE Times Online :Some reviews say this online
version of Electronic Times is better than their hard copy version. It's timely,
extensive, well organized, and visually attractive: give it a try!
- EE Toolbox :This is a major WWW resource for
design engineers in the embedded systems, DSP, real-time, and industrial embedded areas.
The aim is to inform engineers of all important EE resources wherever they may be.
- Electric Power Research Institute : The Electric Power
Research Institute delivers the science and technology to make the generation, delivery,
and use of electricity affordable, efficient, and environmentally sound.
- Engineering Case Studies :This site contains
accounts of real engineering projects written for use in engineering education.
- Engineering Information Inc.:Engineering Information
Inc. identifies, organizes, and facilitates easy access to published engineering
- Engineering: Mechanical and Industrial:Summaries
of useful texts in the field of Engineering, covering many topics: experimental versus
computational mechanics, numerical methods in fluid mechanics, heat mass transfer,
biofluid mechanics, and more.
- GeoWeb: Environmental Engineering
:This is a source for environmental engineering sites in the US and elsewhere, including
government sites, companies, and software.
- Industry.net: Industry.net is "the Internet's
largest provider of value-added services for the industrial market." Engineering news
and resources as well as business search.
- Input Shaping Input Shaping is a feedforward
control technique for reducing vibrations in computer controlled machines.
- The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
(IEEE) Self-proclaimed as "the world's largest technical professional
society," IEEE here provides a website offering information on their upcoming
conferences, education, and organization. For a fee they provide a "Career Asset
Manager" for engineers. This site is also available in text-only from.
- Institute of Industrial Engineers This site is for
anyone interested in the field of Industrial Engineering. They even answer the question,
"Why become an Industrial Engineer?" You'll find all the IIE's recent
publications, but in order to join one of their forums, you must be a member.
- Integrated Manufacturing Lab In the interest
of improving U.S. industrial capacity, the Integrated Manufacturing Lab gives designers
the tools to move products to market faster. Electro-mechanical types, read all about it
- International Organization for Standardization The
mission of ISO is to promote the development of standardization and related activities in
the world with a view to facilitating the international exchange of goods and services,
and to developing cooperation in the spheres of intellectual, scientific, technological,
and economic activity.
- Introduction to Engineering Design Here
you will find a nice introduction to engineering design. It offers information about
engineering concepts and the design process. One really nice feature is several case
studies focusing on conventional design processes.
- Journal of Mechanical Design The
Journal is published quarterly and available through The American Society of Mechanical
Engineers. It publishes technical design articles and here gives information to
prospective authors and a bibliography of past articles, but no text.
- MEMS Microelectromechanical Systems Clearing House An
online respository of information about MicroElectroMechanical Systems.
- Machine Design Online "The World Wide Web site
dedicated to Design Enigineering" offers a product locator, back issues of design and
product newsletters, links to other design engineering sites, and information on shows and
- Mechanical Engineering Laboratory of Production and
Design Engineering Here you will find some interesting information about research
projects carried out in the labs of the University of Twente, Netherlands. Some of these
include FROOM, the missing link between CAD and CAM, Die Design Control Project, and
Parametric Pump Design.
- Metalcasting Information Center
There is interesting historical information here, as well as current trends and job
opportunities in foundry businesses.
- National Society of Architectural Engineers
NSAE does a good job of defining their organization and architectural engineering as a
field. They include educational requirements and the schools which offer them.
- NIST Virtual Library The National Institute of Standards
and Technology offers you surprisingly easy, clearly instructed access to a wide range of
scientific data. In addition to evaluated links, you get electronic journals, databases,
and other online resources.
- Online Learning Environment
Geared for grade 9-12 science, engineering, and technology students, this site allows you
to select from dozens of subjects from robotics to hovercraft, study the information
provided, and then take an online quiz to test your comprehension.
- PartNET The parts information network was developed at the
University of Utah as a means of making it easier for design engineers to locate parts.
This site is well organized, with explanations and advantages included in addition to
actual search technology.
- Process Pumps & Filtrations OnLine Process Pumps
& Filtrations is an electronic publication. Here you can find information regarding
positive displacement pumps and centrifugal pumps along with lots of other information
pertaining to pumps and filtration systems.
- SAVIAC, the Shock and Vibration Information Analysis
Center SAVIAC serves "as a central information resource for Government
activities, contractors and academics concerned with structural dynamic analysis."
Their history, aims, journal, newsletters, articles, and links are here.
- SRS: The Division of Science Resource Studies
This part of The National Science Foundation collects and interprets data and provides
"information on the nation's science, engineering, and technology enterprise."
Included here: US Government statistics, data briefs, survey descriptions, working papers,
related sites, and more.
- Scientific Applications on Linux SAL is "a
collection of information and links of software that scientists and engineers will be
interested in." Linux applications are covered and linked (1250 entries!) in such
categories as Mathematics, Programming, Parallel Computing, and Scientific Data Processing
& Visualization.
- Semiconductor Subway This site provides
links to all manner of information related to semiconductors and microsystems, including
fabrication facilities, research activities, standards work, etc.
- Society for Experimental Mechanics This is the extensive
Web site of SEM, an international professional association dedicated to furthering the
knowledge of material response (stress/strain) phenomena and the failure of materials and
structures from a research and current technology perspective.
- US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Primary mission at the NRC
is to ensure that public health and safety are protected in the many different peaceful
uses of nuclear energy.
- The Virtual Nuclear Tourist
The Virtual Nuclear Tourist! Yes, that's right !! Visit 6 nuclear power plants. Lots of
information on nuclear power. This is one you must experience for yourself.
- AAAS Directorate of Education and Human Resources
Programs The American Association for the Advancement of Science promotes science,
math, and technology education improvements and an even playing field for all students.
This site offers news, programs, their film and book review journal, and the most recent
issue of Science Education News, offering current science, math, and technology education
news and activities. Past issues are archived.
- Adrenalin A site for Java enthusiasts! The
creator is nuts about Java, and has done some pretty cool stuff with it. He dabbles in a
few other things as well. You'll find source code and a number of programming tips for
- BABEL An online dictionary of
computer terms and acronyms.
- Bio Online Biotechnology information supplied by
industry, government, and research sources is offered here. Includes a Career Center with
job search and HR links.
- BotSpot This is "the spot for all bots (robots) on
the Net," and you can learn a lot about them here. Begin with the summary of Eliza,
the first Bot, developed in 1966 and originally programmed with 240 lines of code. Site
also includes a book store, answers to questions, articles, conferences, and 14 searchable
Bot classification data bases.
- CERN: European Laboratory for Particle Physics Information
about the World Wide Web from the place where it was invented. Just about anything you'd
want to know about the Web can be found here or in links from here. The main thrust of the
site is the Laboratory's work in Particle Physics.
- Cool Tool of the Day Keep up with the latest and
neatest Web tools on this site, which features a new tool each day. Archives of past tools
are sorted by category for easy browsing and locating.
- Cornell Theory Center An excellent
resource for video and animations of scientific theory, as well as information on current
scientific theory.
- Cumulative Units of Binary Excellence (CUBE)
If you're looking for sites that explore the outer limits of known physics, this is the
place to start.
- The Data Communications Home Page
The author wants to share "great educational resources in the subject areas of Data
Communications, Networks and Telephony." He does a great job. There are lists of
Glossaries, Tutorials, DataCom Pages, and more, constantly updated as befits work in this
- Everything You
Ever Wanted To Know About Modems
... but were afraid to ask. Find your answers here by linking to
manufacturer pages and other modem resources. Don't miss the "Personal
Notes" section, a collection of troubleshooting tips for various modems.
- FEED This online zine is a great source of news and
information on politics, media, technology, and the arts.
- Fluids Movie Archive MPEG clips demonstrate
fluid dynamics. A great multimedia training on this topic.
- GE Medical Systems This is a neat site if you're
interested in medical technology. You can go to diagnostic imaging or radiation services
and check out explanations and pictures of the different machines.
- GINA: Global Internet News Agency Get the latest scoop on
all the newest developments on the Internet, plus new reports on existing technologies. A
great resource for business, techies, and the individual user...finally, a way to keep up
with the Net!
- GoVictory.com If you're interested in the technology
of racing cars, check this out. The site includes Digger Jr. Explains, featured in Jr.
Drag Racer, discussing "everything from Horsepower to Thermodynamics." There's
also a free racing technology training course, plus how-to and tech info.
- GrafoManiac This site introduces you to
"Web Graphics with Paint Shop Pro 4." The author offers tips, tricks, and
tutorials, plugin help, answers to questions, and a resource page. If you're into Web
graphics or would like to be, this is a good place to get some help.
- How
Lasers Work It's
only about 30 years since scientists have been able to produce Light
Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation - better known as
Laser beams. Once scientists began to understand how to stimulate electrons
to get a controlled stream of energy, the laser became increasingly useful
and commonplace. Read about how lasers use gas, semiconductors and other
media to generate energy streams of varying frequency.
- Intel Extensive support and technical information
including white papers. The site also features the Uniquely Intel Shop, where you can
order interesting Intel merchandise.
- Inquiry This excellent site helps users research
technology development tools using the full text of more than 100,000 indexed and
searchable articles, reviews, and more. It's a much faster way to research tools you might
want to use.
- Jargon Files Resources This page indexes
all the WWW resources associated with the Jargon File and its print version, The New
Hacker's Dictionary.
- Lectures
Online Created
and maintained by Joshua Kim of West Virginia University, this new site aims
to serve as a collection point for a variety of teaching materials for the
academic community. This site offers syllabi, lecture notes, and teaching
materials from courses in a range of disciplines. Kim, however, also
envisions the site growing to include articles, working papers, and
conference papers, becoming a permanent online academic conference. Users
can currently browse for materials in six categories or search by keyword.
Additional resources at the site include links to software needed to access
some of the lectures, a list of contributors, and a discussion board for
users of the site.
- Los Alamos National Lab The lab is experimenting
with encoding technical videos and sharing them from a video file server; information is
available on their Web site.
- Mailing List Searchers This site
includes a searchable list of Internet mailing lists, as well as directories of online
journals, zines, and more. A great research resource.
- Mars Academy This is the ambitious project of the
American School in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The plan is to design and simulate a Mars
Mission, and an impressive amount of work has already been done and documented here. You
can learn about the mechanics, read the chats with space experts, and take part in
planning sessions.
- The MBone Information Web The Multicast Backbone is the
part of the Internet that supports live video transmissions. (Remember the Rolling Stones
concert broadcast live on the Net? That used the MBone.) You can also check out a directory of MBone sites on
the Web, as well as get information on how it works and what research is underway at the
main link, above.
- Microsoft Technical and developer information are
only a small subset of the information on Microsoft products and technologies available on
this site. Read about OLE, ODBC, and Microsoft's vision of the Net. Lots of free software
to download as well.
- MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Information on one
of the world's leading computing technology centers; they're also experimenting with video over the Net.
- NASA An overall directory of information and resources
about the U.S. space agency and its programs. A very content-rich and informative site,
and a great place to go when you're bored!
- NCSA The National Center for Supercomputing
Applications has one of the most extensive and informative sites on the Web. A goldmine of
technology information.
- NIST Virtual Library The National Institute of Standards
and Technology offers you surprisingly easy, clearly instructed access to a wide range of
scientific data. In addition to evaluated links, you get electronic journals, databases,
and other online resources.
- Narrative Check out Enliven, a neat new
animation technology for the Web.
- National Institute of Standards and Technology An agent of
the U.S. Department of Commerce, the NIST is "working with industry to develop and
apply technology, measurements, and standards." NIST provides answers to frequently
asked questions and two search engines. This is a worthwhile site for those who are
interested in science.
- Net Lingo This handy online guide containing
definitions of hundreds of Internet terms is a great resource for Web users.
- Netscape Keep up with the latest news on the World
Wide Web with the company that made it accessible and easy for most of us in the first
place. Check out the latest version of the Netscape browser, and find out what news is
breaking on the Internet.
- News.Com C|Net's newest service offers the most up to date
computer and software industry news online in a neat, easy to use format. A great
service...and typical of C|Net.
- NeXT A rich resource of object-oriented technology and
programming information. An object-oriented edition of CNN's Moneyline is also available
- Online Learning Environment
Geared for grade 9-12 science, engineering, and technology students, this site
allows you to select from dozens of subjects from robotics to hovercraft, study the
information provided, and then take an online quiz to test your comprehension.
- PC Webopaedia
Don't know what winsock or SRAM means? Consult the PC Webopaedia, an
online encyclopedia solely dedicated to PCs. Search by keyword or browse by
category. You then get a complete definition of the term and links to other
sites that will give you more information on the subject.
- PC World Tips and Tricks To get the
most out of your PC, make sure you visit this excellent site from PC World Online. Keyword
and concept searchable and loaded with information, it makes your computer a much more fun
and productive place to be.
- Planet9 Planet9's site offers a virtual tour of the
solar system, the opera, and a cool tour of New Orleans using VRML technology.
- Play Incorporated Video technology company.
Makers of the Snappy Video Snapshot. Cool page.
- RGB If you're interested in electronic publishing, this
is a gold mine. There's information on just about every aspect you could ask for, from
design ideas to production issues. Don't miss the 101 Hot Tips, either.
- Sci Central American
site created for scientists and engineers. Over 120 scientific disciplines,
leading to 50,000 sites or more.
- SRS: The Division of Science Resource Studies
This part of The National Science Foundation collects and interprets data and provides
"information on the nation's science, engineering, and technology enterprise."
Included here: US Government statistics, data briefs, survey descriptions, working papers,
related sites, and more.
- STS-86:Shuttle-Mir VII This site has wonderful
information about the planned September 18, 1997 launch of the U.S. shuttle to rendezvous
with the Russian space station Mir. There are pictures and facts about the crew, mission
information and figures, and lots more. Great stuff!!
- Silicon Graphics Well, here's cool for you! This is the
neatest equipment out there.
- Slate Microsoft Corporation's new online technology
magazine offers a lot of good content. Worth a visit.
- Space Day This is a great site! Lots of graphics, so
be prepared, but they're very well done. You can check out current headlines on space
topics, look at 101 things to do on Space Day (May 22), send postcards, and look at a page
with information and activities for the classroom. A great feature of the site is the
Speak Up section. There's a question (such as, "Should humans live on Mars?")
and exploration of the issues surrounding the question. You can participate in surveys
concerning the question and compare your answers to those of others.
- Sun Microsystems Lots of info on Java, and a technology and
research page with new goodies.
- The Constants &
Equations Pages Andrew Stott is the designer and
maintainer of the TCAEP, featuring hundreds of equations, constants,
Periodic Table and much more. Excellent education resource.
- The Tech Museum of Science An online scientific
playground for kids and adults, and a great way to learn about how technology impacts our
lives. The interactive exhibits are a delight.
- TechWeb This always informative site has a huge archive
of articles from CMP's technology publications. It's recently been relaunched and now
includes a user tech support area, product reviews, and much, much more. Oh, yeah...it's a
lot easier to use now, too.
- United Space Alliance The real goodies on
this page are the live shuttle data. When there is a launch you can view a live shuttle
tracking monitor or meta-refreshed gif of the positions of the shuttle, sun and (if it's
meeting with Hubble or Mir, etc.) other satellites. There's also live video and audio.
- Uranium Information Centre This pro-nuclear energy site
is rich in information on the uranium industry and nuclear power.
- Video Systems Theory A
description of videotape systems theory. Of interest to anyone in the industry.
- Virtual Computer Library Links to many
online computing resources categorized by origin: magazines, books, organizations,
journals, and conferences.
- Virtual
Physics Lab See the
reactions that keep a star burning, launch a cannonball to see where it
falls, or do you own test of Einstein's Theory of Relativity Theory. Use the
Virtual Physics lab, a huge collection of physics experiments made
reproducible thanks to Java applets, VRML or Shockwave formats. Try any
experiment of your choosing. Best of all, your home is likely to suffer no
smoke damage whatsoever.
- VRML Repository Find out the latest news and
developments on VRML technology on this informational site. Decide for yourself if VRML is
going to take on the world, or if Quicktime VR has beat it to the punch.
- Web Developer's Virtual Library This huge site offers its
own search engine, and it's a good thing. They've assembled and catalogued information on
every aspect and every type of tool for creating Web sites, administering them, and more.
A winner.
- Web Review This excellent resource for Webmasters
offers information, tips, guidelines, reviews, and more. This zine had ceased publication
for a while and is back with support from publisher Miller Freeman. Welcome!
- Yohkoh Public Outreach Project This
extremely cool site allows you to look at images and movies of the sun, taken over the
last 72 hours. Funded by NASA and using images taken by the Yohkoh Satellite launched from
Japan in 1991, YPOP offers great information about the sun, light, solar learning
activities, and much more.