- GRE General Vocabulary -
list of practice vocabulary words and definitions.
- GRE OnLine - maintained by Educational Testing Service
(ETS); includes test dates and sample questions.
- College Board Online - national
association of schools and colleges offering services and programs in the areas of
assessment, guidance, admission, placement, financial aid, curriculum, and research.
- Developing Educational Standards
- an anotated list of Internet sites with K-12 educational standards and curriculum
- ACT - an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated
to measurement and research for those making educational and career transitions;
administrates a widely taken college admissions test.
- Apoio ao Vestibulando - Etapa Vestibulares - análise dos
critérios nos exames vestibulares. Dados sobre os exames de acesso aos cursos superiores
em São Paulo, Brasil.
- Aptitude testing - discover
aptitudes and how to determine what jobs, careers or majors might use your natural gifts
and make you happy.
- ARCNet - resources for anyone
interested in the world of assessment.
- Buros Institute of Mental Measurements
- provides professional assistance and information to users of commercially published
- Content Knowledge: A Compendium of
Standards and Benchmarks for K-12 Education - a coherent and systematic set of content
standards presented in an easy-to-read format for primary, upper elementary, middle
school, and high school.
- CRESST - National Center for
Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing.
- Educational
Records Bureau (ERB)@
- Educational
Testing Service (ETS) (2)
- ERIC Clearinghouse on Assessment
- ERIC/AE Test Locator - Resources for
locating psychological and educational tests.
- European Evaluation Society - working to
promote theory, practice and utilization of high quality evaluation especially, but not
exclusively, within the European countries.
- Exam Site for Academic Subjects - exam
site that links to university old exam centers. Great for studying for a final.
- FairTest: National Center for Fair & Open Testing
- a nonprofit advocacy organization that combats bias in standardized testing and works to
ensure assements are fair, open, and educationally relevant.
- Great American Cram, The - containing AP
study and review material, including questions, lectures, links, chat and message boards.
- IMMEX - How can you evaluate students
problem-solving skills? Find out...
- Inventory for Client and Agency Planning
(ICAP) - assesses the type and amount of special assistance that people with
disabilities may need.
- National Assessment Governing Board - sets policies
for the National Assessment of Educational Progress.
- National Association of Test Directors - includes
links to online assessment and evaluation resources.
- National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
- National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) -
policies, tools, technical assistance, and professional development that people everywhere
can use to design and implement effective standards-based education and training systems.
- Project PATCH -
provides help for students preparing for the New York Social Studies Regents exam by
summarizing Supreme Court cases and outlining the essay question.
- Roc Research - Math and English FIT (Field Intelligence
Test) - We write test questions for teachers and textbooks at all levels, and we are
now putting our truly tough questions to the test through a high-end competition.
- Test Locator - Resources for
locating psychological and educational tests.