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Expert Systems

An excellent guide of  Internet Tutorials is maintained by Laura Cohen. Given below are few of the links . Go to their site >>>Internet Tutorials<<< for more....

Comments to lcohen@cnsvax.albany.edu

Basic Internet

A Basic Guide to the Internet
How to Connect to the Internet
Internet From the VAX Prompt - Telnet, FTP, Listservs, Usenet News
Understanding the World Wide Web

Research Guides

Checklist of Internet Research Tips
Conducting Research on the Internet
Evaluating Internet Resources

Search Engines & Subject Directories

Boolean Searching on the Internet
The principles of search logic and the different manifestations of this logic on Internet search engines
How to Choose a Search Engine or Research Database
A chart listing numerous features and the search engines & databases that support them
Quick Reference Guide to Search Engine Syntax
A chart of search rules organized into categories
Searching the Internet: Recommended Sites and Search Techniques
An extensive tutorial on the use of subject directories and search engines
The Finer Points of Web Search Engines
Tips on precision searching using both well known and newer search engines
Navigating the World Wide Web with Netscape Communicator

Software Training

Guide to Using Lynx
How to use this text-only Web browser
How to Capture a Graphic on the Internet to a Diskette
A quick guide on saving Web graphics for your own use
How to Use WS_FTP
Tips for using this Windows-based freeware that transfers files between a local and a remote computer
Using the RN Newsreader from the VAX
A chart of commands for the mainframe-based reader of Usenet News supported by the University at Albany

The Links below are from an excellent site for Tutorials. These are just a few of the links. Visit their site for more...>>>.FREE Tutorials<<<

  •  skeleton, an windows95 program written entirely in assembly language, a real "skeleton" with all features that a windows95 program must have, comes with the source codes and texts explaining how to link the files and compile them.
  • walk32b, two useful programs for any assembly programmer, Win32 PE File Linker, and, PE Export Section Dumper.
  • win95ex, this program use the windows 95 graphical interface and is written entirely in assembler, have the source code also.
  • dos,
  •  bootsec, demonstrates how to write bootsector code.
  • vgadoc, very informative about video configuration and addressing.
  •  xms, show XMS info.
  • Intel Architecture Tutorial, on-line tutorials and documentation that teach you about Intel's PentiumŪ II processor, PentiumŪ Pro processor, PentiumŪ processor, and MMX™ technology.
  • comp.lang.asm.x86, my preferred group, much discussion about coding and projects in assembly.

  • alt.lang.asm, most frequented for beginners, looking for the basics of language, at this time, with lots of off topic messages.
  • borland.public.tasm, this discussion group is only intended for users of Borland TASM. but the discussion sounds good, a nice group to monitoring.
  • comp.lang.asm370
  • Java Tutorial, by javasoft, it contains the principles of java programing in a ease to understand tutor.
  •  Directory of /pc/turbopas,With tutors and stuff for some Pascal versions.
  •  Pascal Tutorial - Updated version 2.61 - September 29, 1996, One of the most complete tutor about pascal that I found.
  • Pascal programing This is not a tutor but a large links collection about pascal.
  •  CGIC105, CGI development library for C programmers. .
  • CGI Tutorial: Start, Tutorials that introduce the new users at the aspect of CGI programming
  •  The common gateway interface A large collection of archives about CGI programming.
  •  CS350 - labs, this page is for people that installed C++ Builder but are still just skidding with the program, and want to go ahead. It explains the first steps for you start to explore your C++ Builder with programs and easy to understand examples.
  • Borland C++ Builder programming explorer, this book teaches how to use C++ Builder, it have an CD Rom with lots of examples and step by step explanations.
  •  Game codes, this site have a lot of codes of games, not all of them in C but is a good way to maintain your programming skills.

  •  command2 a joke program that adulterates the normal DOS commands and simulates a crazy environment.

  • Moonbas a great routine, especially for those interested in 3d gaming, you must drive an spaceship in a planet and have that controls over direction and altitude, there's also a satellite view option. The file comes with the source codes, in C++.
  • abedemo not a game, but e very nice collection of tutorials, with source codes in C visit their page at  http://www.mds.mdh.se/~dat94avi/.
  • comp.lang.c++, this group discuss all aspects, relative of programming in C++, and relative to programs and questions about development industry.

  •  comp.lang.c, one of the less polluted groups that I known, the majority of questions are relative to coding. Personally pleasant.
  • Ada 83 Tutorial - version 2.0 - July 1, 1991  The Ada 83 tutorial teaches you the entire Ada 83 language, which was developed by the Department of Defense for mission critical software. This tutorial will be available as long as there is a continued need by users for Ada 83.
  • Ada 95 Tutorial - version 2.5 - February 1, 1998  The Ada 95 tutorial teaches you the entire Ada 95 language. This tutorial represents a complete rewrite of the Ada 83 tutorial to bring it up to the level of Ada 95. This newest version improves the wording in a few areas and makes a few minor corrections over the previous version.
  • C Tutorial - Updated version 2.8 - September 8, 1996  The C tutorial assumes you know nothing about C and teaches the entire C programming language including the usually intimidating topics of pointers and dynamic allocation. Good programming practices are emphasized and the ANSI-C standard is reflected throughout the tutorial.
  • C++ Tutorial - Updated version 2.61 - September 22, 1996  The C++ tutorial teaches you the dialect of C++ that is currently in the draft standards process.
  • Pascal Tutorial - Updated version 2.61 - September 29, 1996  The Pascal tutorial teaches you Borland's dialect of Pascal known as Turbo Pascal
  • Additional Topics and Code There are a few programming topics that have proven to be difficult for a student to fully understand. This is a collection of documents intended to help the student over some of the rough spots of programming.



  • Ada Home of the Brave Ada programmer
  • Home of the brave Ada programmers. Pointers to many resources for Ada programmers.
  • Ada Information Clearinghouse
  • A rich library of Ada information. For more than a decade, the AdaIC has provided software professionals with information about the Ada programming language.
  • Lovelace Ada Tutorial
  • An Ada 95 tutorial. This tutorial explains the basics of the Ada 95 programming language.
  • SIGAda Home Page
  • World wide web home page for SIGAda -- the Special Interest Group on Ada.

C and C++


Michael Metcalf's Fortran 90 CNL Articles

Language Elements
Expressions and assigments
Control statements, units and procedures
Arguments, interface blocks and recursion
Array handling
Specification statements
Intrinsic procedures

Fuller details of all these items can be found in Fortran 90/95 Explained, M. Metcalf and J. Reid, (Oxford, 1996), the book upon which these tutorials are based. Version August 1995 M.G. (October 19th 1995)  


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