All links courtesy Realm of Erudition
- All About the World Wide Web
- Beginner's Guide To Life And The
Internet - succinct and easily understood guide for Internet novices (written by a
- Beginners' Central - nline tutorial for new
internet users.
- Burt's page of Internet Tips - Dedicated
to Internet tips and interesting links.
- Creative Good: Help Pages
- Eric's Page - offers
help with building Web pages.
- Exploring the World-Wide Web
- self-directed tutorial for new web users.
- Finding a WWW Host for Your
Project - Single page of suggestions on how to find a free/low-cost host for your WWW
- Folksonline - for newcomers &
non-technical folks. Inspirational stories, how-to articles, web tours all written by our
community audience about their web experience.
- How to Publish on the Web
- ICYouSee Page -
designed in connection with the Ithaca College Library Home Page to be a self guided World
Wide Web training page.
- Internet 101
- Kitty
Locker's Introduction to the Web - introduces university students to the Web, with
links for research tools, designing web pages, job hunting, organizations, writers'
resources, and more.
- Michele's Webpage Tips -
dedicated to building a webpage from start to finish. Includes HTML tutorials, color
chart, buttons and more.
- Paging Yourself
- Sites to See -
introduction to the Web.
- SquareOne - browsing, downloading, zip/unzip,
FTP, e-mail, plug-ins and more. Subscribe to the free newsletter.
- Surf University
- Web 101 - from Webmonkey.
- Web Site 101
- Webbery and Nettery - advice on how to go
about setting up a new website - with special emphasis on what to do before writing any
- WebNovice - guide for beginning Internet users
produced in a magazine format. Updated monthly.
- World-Wide Web: Origins And Beyond
- describes some of the historical aspects of the World-Wide Web development.
- Alienation on the
- Analysis of Purposes and Forms
of Personal on the World Wide Web - this project studied personal homepages and
searched for recognizable genres of them.
- Baudrillard in Cyberspace
- Cocooning Journals
- locked in an apartment without television, radio, books or a telephone, the Internet is
Jeff Greenwald's only connection to the outside world for ten days.
- Communities in Cyberspace -
devoted to exploring new forms of social organization and the changing concepts of
community as social groups develop within computer networks.
- Community Space and Cyberspace Papers -
from the proceedings of the Community Space And Cyberspace conference.
- Computer Mediated Minds, Cyborg Bodies -
exploring computer mediated communication and its effects on our collective perception of
'self', both in mind and body.
- Computers and Society Articles
- Cyberbabies by Suzanne Uher
- Cyberspace / PublicSpace - the role of
arts and culture in defining a virtual public sphere.
- FCC forum on Access to
Bandwidth - by James Love, Consumer Project on Technology.
- Future of News - a manifesto based on the
struggle of print media in a multimedia environment. Complete with list of works consulted
and outline.
- How
to Make the Internet Evil - a guided tour of the future, by John Harvey.
- Importance of The World Wide
Web in Education K-12
- Infosystems: The Emerging
Information Era - explores how the workplace is moving towards an electronic
- Internet Culture Research -
papers on Internet Relay Chat and text-based virtual realities.
- Le reti civiche ed alcuni aspetti
critici - "Community Networks and Some Critical Aspects"; (in Italian).
- Media in Cyberspace III
- Message
Is the Medium, The - A reply to Sven Birkerts and The Gutenberg Elegies. A hypertext
essay on the prospects for literature in cyberspace.
- Metaphors and the Net
- Problems in Web Fiction - how does
one begin an essay in a medium in which the writer, and not the reader, controls the
beginnings and the endings, where the movement is determined by software?
- Smooth/Striated Cyberspace
- Social Implications of
Information Technologies
- Society, Cyberspace and the Future
- Report of an Exploratory Aspen Workshop Prepared by: Bruce Murray, California Institute
of Technology. Comments are encouraged; there is an online feedback form included in the
- What are Communities Doing
- Wired Frosh:
Electronic Community Building in a College Dorm - a study of how college students who
live together use and perceive electronic communication for critical dialogue and
community building.
- Scenes From Life on the Data
- As We May Think - Like
Emerson's famous address of 1837 on ``The American Scholar,'' this paper by Dr. Bush calls
for a new relationship between thinking man and the sum of our knowledge.
- State of the Art
Review on Hypermedia Issues And Applications - Review of hypertext systems are
emerging as a new class of complex information management systems. These systems allow
people to create, annotate, link together, and share information from a variety of media
such as text, graphics, audio, video, animation, and programs.
Operating Systems